Cori Fain, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2017-2023 Graduate Research Associate, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
2016 Post-baccalaureate, University of Kansas Medical Center
2015 REP certificate earned - Research Education Program at University of Kansas
2010-2015 University of Kansas, BS in Organismal Biology
Neuro-immune interactions and immune-mediated neuropathogenesis
Grants Awarded
- Trainee, appointed to the Post-doctoral Training Grant in - 5T32AI007260-35, University of Iowa (2023)
- Recipient, Neuroscience Scholars Fellowship (2021)
- Grant Recipient, Nanostring-Glial Panel Grant Award (2020)
- Grant Recipient, NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award F31 Award (1F31 NS116924) (2020)
- Trainee, appointed to the Ph.D. Training Grant in Basic Immunology - T32 AI07425-24, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (2019)
- Trainee, appointed to Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Fellowship Award - NIH Grant - 5R25GMO78441, University of Kansas (2016)
Awards, Honors & Scholarships
Cover, Brain Volume 147 Issue 2 February 2024
- Travel Award, Neuroscience 2022, Society for Neuroscience-Neuroscience Scholars (SfN) (2022)
- The Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship (CSURM), Barriers on the CNS Gordon Conference. (2022)
- Neuroscience Scholars Enrichment Travel Award, to attend Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG) Symposium at Washington University in St. Louis. (2022)
- Trainee Abstract Award (AAI) (2022)
- Travel Award, Neuroscience 2021, Society for Neuroscience-Neuroscience Scholars (SfN) (2021)
- Trainee Abstract Award (AAI) (2021)
- 2nd place best presentation award – Graduate student category, Sigma Xi Student Showcase (2021)
- Nominated for Induction into Sigma Xi-Scientific Research Honor Society (2020)
- Nominated by the Dean, AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science (2020)
- President for Women in Science and Engineering (WISER) (2019)
- AAI Minority Scientist Travel Award, American Association of Immunologists Conference (2019)
- Social Media/Historian for Women in Science and Engineering (WISER) (2019)
- Nominated, Researcher spotlight; detailed write-up in STEMCELL scientific resources blog (2019)
- First place winner of the Mayo Clinic 2019-2020 Catalog Cover Contest (2019)
- John Wallace Fellowship, Autumn Immunology Conference (2018)
- National Liaison of the Mayo SACNAS Chapter (2018)
- Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program, Mayo Clinic (2017)
- The Dean’s Fellowship at Mayo Clinic (2017-2019)
- Travel Award - SACNAS conference (2017)
- John’s Hopkins University-Introduction to Cancer Biology course certificate, with honors, (2016)
- Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Award, (2016)
- Research Experience Program (REP) certification, (2015)
- Outstanding Presentation Award - KU 2014 Undergraduate Research Symposium, (2014)
- Honors Biology Program, (2013)
- Two-time recipient of National SMART (Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent) Grant, (2010)
- Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, (2008-current)
In the News
As Commencement Approaches, Ph.D. Graduates Share The Path To Their Degree
Overcoming Life Circumstances to Pursue Neuroimmunology Research
Publications Pubmed
- Fain C.E., Zheng J., Jin F., Ayasoufi K., Wu Y., Lilley M.T., Dropik A.R., Wolf D.M., Rodriguez R.C., Abudumijiti A., Tritz Z.P., Bouchal S.M., Pewe L.L., Urban S.L., Chen Y., Chang S.Y., Hansen M.J., Kachergus J.M., Shi J., Thompson E.A., Jensen H.E., Harty J.T., Parney I.F., Sun J., Wu L.J., Johnson A.J. Discrete class I molecules on brain endothelium differentially regulate neuropathology in experimental cerebral malaria. Brain. 2024 Feb 1;147(2):566-589. PMID: 37776513. doi: 10.1093/brain/awad319.
- AZ Aibaidula, C. Fain, LC Garcia, & IF Parney (2023). Spectral flow cytometry identifies distinct non-neoplastic plasma extracellular vesicle phenotype in glioblastoma patients. Neuro-Oncology Advances. PMID: 37638345 PMCID: PMC10457026
- Tritz, Z. P., ... Fain, C. E., & Johnson, A. J. (2023). Anti-PD-1 and extended half-life-IL-2 synergize for treatment of murine glioblastoma independent of host MHC Class I expression. Cancer Immunology Research, CIR-22. PMCID: PMC10239322 (available on 2023-12-02) DOI: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-22-0570
- Ayasoufi, K., Wolf, D. M., … Fain, C.E. ... & Johnson, A. (2023). Brain resident memory T cells rapidly expand and initiate neuroinflammatory responses following CNS viral infection. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. PMID: 37236326 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2023.05.009
- Fain, C. E., Zheng, J., Jin, F., Ayasoufi, K., Wu, Y., Lilley, M. T., ... & Johnson, A. J. (2022). Antigen presentation by discrete class I molecules on brain endothelium dynamically regulates T-cell mediated neuropathology in experimental cerebral malaria. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2022.10.30.514412
- Zhang, X., Pearsall, ...Tritz, ZP, Fain, CE…Schafer, M. J. (2022). Rejuvenation of the aged brain immune cell landscape in mice through p16-positive senescent cell clearance. Nature communications, 13(1), 1-17. PMID: 36167854 PMCID: PMC9515187
- Himes, B. T., Fain, C. E., Tritz, Z. P., Nesvick, C. L., Jin-Lee, H. J., Geiger, P. A., ... & Parney, I. F. (2022). Use of heparin to rescue immunosuppressive monocyte reprogramming by glioblastoma-derived extracellular vesicles. Journal of Neurosurgery, 1(aop), 1-11. PMID: 36115048 DOI: 10.3171/2022.6.JNS2274
- A Aibaidula, CE Fain, Luz Cumba Garcia, Mi-Yeon Jung, Aaron J. Johnson, Ian F. Parney. Demonstrating large plasma extracellular vesicle separation and concentration from glioblastoma patients using full spectrum flow cytometry. Currently under review at the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles.
- K Ayasoufi, DM Wolf, SL Namen, ZP Tritz, F Jin, CK Pfaller, EN Goddery, CE Fain, …AJ Johnson. (2022) Brain Resident memory T cells rapidly expand and initiate neuroinflammatory responses following CNS injury and viral infection. Currently under review at BBI.
- K Ayasoufi, DM Wolf, SL Namen, ZP Tritz, F Jin, CK Pfaller, EN Goddery, CE Fain, LR Gulbicki, RH Khadka, LT Yokanovich, MJ Hansen, AJ Johnson. (2022) Brain Resident memory T cells rapidly expand and initiate neuroinflammatory responses following CNS injury and viral infection. bioRxiv.
- Goddery, E.N., Fain, C. E., Lipovsky, C. G., Ayasoufi, K., Yokanovich, L. T., Malo, C. S., ... & Johnson, A. J. (2021). Microglia and perivascular macrophages act as antigen presenting cells to promote CD8 T cell infiltration of the brain. Frontiers in Immunology, 3428. PMID: 34526998 PMCID: PMC8435747
- Ayasoufi K, …Fain CE, Yokanovich LT, Himes BT, Jin F, Zheng J, Schuelke MR, Hansen MJ, Tung W, Parney IF, Pease LR, Vile RG, Johnson AJ. Brain cancer induces systemic immunosuppression through release of non-steroid soluble mediators. Brain. 2020 Dec
- Ayasoufi, K., …Fain, CE... & Johnson, A. J. (2020). Severe and multifaceted systemic immunosuppression caused by experimental cancers of the central nervous system requires release of non-steroid soluble mediators. bioRxiv.
- Tritz ZP, Orozco RC, Malo CS, …Fain CE, Khadka RH, Goddery EN, Yokanovich LT, Settell ML, Hansen MJ, Jin F, Pavelko KD, Pease LR, Johnson AJ. Conditional Silencing of H-2Db Class I Molecule Expression Modulates the Protective and Pathogenic Kinetics of Virus-Antigen-Specific CD8 T Cell Responses during Theiler's Virus Infection. J Immunol. 2020 Sep PMID: 32737149 PMCID: PMC7981782
- Tritz, Z. P., Orozco, R. C., Malo, …Fain, C. E., ... & Johnson, A. J. (2019). Conditional silencing of H-2Db class I molecule expression on dendritic cells modulates the protective and pathogenic kinetics of virus-antigen specific CD8 T cell responses during Theiler’s Virus infection. bioRxiv, 632265.
- Beadnell TC, Fain C, Vivian CJ, King JCG, Hastings R, Markiewicz MA, Welch DR. Mitochondrial genetics cooperate with nuclear genetics to selectively alter immune cell development/trafficking. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2020 May 1.